It's Just the Beginning

31 Aug 2018

What is Javascript to me?

I don’t have any programming experience prior to college. The reason I choose to major in Computer Science is because I’ve wanted to learn about programming since elementray school. But I did not have the opportunity to learn it. Also, it sounds interesting to me. From the beginning of college, I have learned several programming language, such as Java, C and C++. Javascript is the fourth one I am going to learn. From what I know, Javascript can be use to design complex video game like Virtual Rality. I don’t have too many knowledge of Javascript but I think it is another way to enhance my programming skills.

Start from beginning

Now we have been learning Javascript for about one week. Although I never learn this programming language before, it seem like not too hard. I feel like majority of the concepts are kind similar to the ptogramming languages I learned. I am not sure if this will continue stay true in the future. Since I don’t have any experience with this language, I don’t know if this is a good or bad language. Hope in the future, once I learned more programming language, and have more experience, I can compare them and find out the good and bad aspect of each one. As for the class, it has a lot of work to do each day. There is no time to slack off, otherwise the grade will suffer. I think the WOD is kind helpful because it let you practice what you learned until you understand it completely. I feel the WOD in class is way harder than the practice one. If the Professor can provide the answer for the in class WOD afterward, it would be helpful for people who did not finish. All in all, it is kind stressful to stay on track of the schedule.